welcome entertainers!

About The Gig Coach And How I Can Help You


In 2008 I was a burned-out 50-year-old recently divorced marketing guy who played guitar and sang some songs on the weekends.

I hated my career in financial services and desperately wanted to become a full-time solo performer, but I didn’t have a clue how to do it, or anyone to teach me, so I had to figure it all out using my marketing background, and I did!

The ‘Gig Coach’ system I created allowed me to become a full-time well-paid singer, musician, DJ, and Event Host, and I LOVE my life today! Now I want to show others who want to live their dreams exactly how to do what I did without the pitfalls and mistakes I made.

I help frustrated performers go from being miserable in a day job they hate to transforming their lives into something they will love as a professional solo entertainer.

Yes, you can say goodbye to a crummy job and start living your performance dreams, no matter what your current musical skill level happens to be.

Don’t waste your talent one day longer, decide right now you are going to start living your dream life and securing a happy future for yourself and your family, learning how to put smiles on people’s faces as a professional entertainer and getting paid like a pro.