Entertainers University Course-Making a Living With Music-Lesson 3

Transcript Of This Video


In this section of this course of the Entertainers University, we’re going to talk about the mindset, and the philosophy of the gig coach workshop, I believe, and the way I teach, the way I set these courses up is you are a professional performer, a professional entertainer. The more you do that, a couple of things are going to happen. Number one, the better you’re going to get at your craft. Number two, the more you play, the more people are going to see you perform. And they are going to hire you for the high paying private events. So you have two very good reasons to play as much as you can there. The first one is you’re gonna get better and better, and you need to get better and better because as you get better at your craft of entertaining, not just playing your instrument and singing, but knowing how to put it together in an entertaining package, you’re going to get, that’s what’s going to blast your career off.


And the second thing is the exposure people seeing you, the more you’re out there, the more they’re going to see you and book you. If you’re going to do this as a career or as a side hustle or a job, this is a business. You are starting an entertainment business. That’s what’s really going on here. You’re going to be an entertainment provider, and you’re going to find this is the easiest job you’ve ever had. <laugh>. It’s the most fun of any job you’ve ever had. Imagine getting to go to work every day, and people say this to me frequently. You get to go your, your work environment is a celebration. Every day you’re going to someone’s party. That’s a good gig. I’ve had other, I’ve done other things in my career. I’ve been a martial arts instructor, I’ve been a full-time. I’ve been a police officer.


I’ve had other jobs. I did the corporate gig for many years. I transitioned from being in the martial arts classroom, teaching and fighting in the ring to being a martial arts manager, so to speak. I managed about a thousand martial arts schools. Not, not personally, but there were about a thousand martial arts schools, and I did the financial services management for them. So I’ve done a lot of things. There’s nothing as fun as playing music. And because you have this skill and this gift doesn’t mean you’re ready from day one to go out there and conquer the world like anyone. You have to hone that. And the more you play, the more you put yourself out there, the better you’re going to get. The more people are going to see you, and the more you’re going to have opportunities to play. So look at gigging as a career, a job.


Now, there are some, you know, internet gurus that have philosophies of you should only not play as many gigs, but play just a few higher paying gigs. Well, if you buy into that, you’re going to be waiting around a lot for those high paying gigs that may or may not come, or that you may lose out to a DJ for because of the variety. You see when you build the act the way with the gig coach method of the blended show with live performance, with track music blended with DJ music, then you pretty much knock the DJs out of the water because you have the live element. And you certainly knock the live solo players out because they don’t have the DJ element. And when you combine those two, it’s a magic formula. And that’s why I have worked over 300 paid shows a year for well over a decade.


And that’s how you can do it too. But you need to approach it as you would a business. You’re starting a small business, so you wanna work as much as you can and you wanna put in place an act that’s going to be in high demand. They’ll be calling you, you won’t have to do outbound sales, maybe right when you start you’ll make some calls. Then you’ll be turning down gigs just like I have to do pretty much every week because I’m already booked and there is a waiting list for my residency gigs, my weeklies that I’m there every Monday, every Tuesday, every Wednesday, whatever it is. Every week I have waiting lists of venues and they may be on there for a year or two. I just took a gig that I’ve had this venue of very nice venue on my waiting list for nearly two years, waiting for one of my weeknights to open up. And it just did. And they’re thrilled and gave me a big raise to come and, and do their weekly thing. We’re going to talk about that in the next section. Where are some of the opportunities for a blended solo live music slash DJ show? And it’s gonna surprise you how many opportunities they are to do this and to really build a solid business.